I characterize my research as Human-Centered Data Science where I combine techniques from statistics, machine learning, and interactive data visualization to empower data scientists throughout their analytical workflow.

My current research focuses around several themes:

1. Designing tools for Interactive and Visual Data Science
2. Providing insights with Interpretable Machine Learning
3. Innovating data science techniques for Data-Driven Healthcare

I co-lead the Data Interaction Group, whose mission is to empower everyone to analyze and communicate data with interactive systems.

Adam Perer is an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, where he is a member of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute and he is Co-Director of the Data Interaction Group. His research integrates data visualization and machine learning techniques to create visual interactive systems to help users make sense out of big data. Lately, his research focuses on human-centered data science and extracting insights from clinical data to support data-driven medicine. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers at premier venues in visualization, human-computer interaction, and medical informatics. He is currently an Area Papers Chair at IEEE VIS and a Visualization Subcommittee Papers Chair at ACM CHI. He was previously a Research Scientist at IBM Research. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Selected Publications (View all publications)

Transparency in the Wild: Navigating Transparency in a Deployed AI System to Broaden Need-Finding Approaches

Violet Turri , Katelyn Morrison , Katie Robinson , Collin Abidi , Adam Perer , Jodi Forlizzi , Rachel Dzombak
FAccT 2024

The Impact of Imperfect XAI on Human-AI Decision-Making

Katelyn Morrison , Philipp Spitzer , Violet Turri , Michelle Feng , Niklas Kühl , Adam Perer
CSCW 2024

Zeno: An Interactive Framework for Behavioral Evaluation of Machine Learning

Ángel Alexander Cabrera , Erica Fu , Donald Bertucci , Kenneth Holstein , Ameet Talwalkar , Jason I. Hong , Adam Perer
CHI 2023

Ignore, Trust, or Negotiate: Understanding Clinician Acceptance of AI-Based Treatment Recommendations in Health Care

Venkat Sivaraman , Leigh A. Bukowski , Joel Levin , Jeremy M. Kahn , Adam Perer
CHI 2023

Evaluating the Impact of Human Explanation Strategies on Human-AI Visual Decision-Making

Katelyn Morrison , Donghoon Shin , Kenneth Holstein , Adam Perer
CSCW 2023

Eye into AI: Evaluating the Interpretability of Explainable AI Techniques through a Game With a Purpose

Katelyn Morrison , Mayank Jain , Jessica Hammer , Adam Perer
CSCW 2023

Improving Human-AI Collaboration with Descriptions of AI Behavior

Ángel Alexander Cabrera , Adam Perer , Jason I. Hong
CSCW 2023

Dead or Alive: Continuous Data Profiling for Interactive Data Science

Will Epperson , Vaishnavi Gorantla , Dominik Moritz , Adam Perer
VIS 2023

Leveraging Analysis History for Improved In Situ Visualization Recommendation

Will Epperson , Doris Jung-Lin Lee , Leijie Wang , Kunal Agarwal , Aditya Parameswaran , Dominik Moritz , Adam Perer
EuroVis 2022

Improving Human-AI Partnerships in Child Welfare: Understanding Worker Practices, Challenges, and Desires for Algorithmic Decision Support

Anna Kawakami , Venkat Sivaraman , Hao-Fei Cheng , Logan Stapleton , Yanghuidi Cheng , Diana Qing , Adam Perer , Zhiwei Steven Wu , Haiyi Zhu , Kenneth Holstein
CHI 2022

Discovering and Validating AI Errors With Crowdsourced Failure Reports

Ángel Alexander Cabrera , Abraham Druck , Jason I. Hong , Adam Perer
CSCW 2021

Designing Alternative Representations of Confusion Matrices to Support Non-Expert Public Understanding of Algorithm Performance

Hong Shen , Haojian Jin , Ángel Alexander Cabrera , Adam Perer , Haiyi Zhu , Jason I. Hong
CSCW 2020

Getting Playful with Explainable AI: Games with a Purpose to Improve Human Understanding of AI

Laura Beth Fulton , Ja Young Lee , Qian Wang , Zhendong Yuan , Jessica Hammer , Adam Perer
CHI 2020

SearchLens: Composing and Capturing Complex User Interests for Exploratory Search

Joseph Chee Chang , Nathan Hahn , Adam Perer , Aniket Kittur
IUI 2019

Ablate, Variate, and Contemplate: Visual Analytics for Discovering Neural Architectures

Dylan Cashman , Adam Perer , Remco Chang , Hendrik Strobelt
VAST 2019

Seq2Seq-VIS : A Visual Debugging Tool for Sequence-to-Sequence Models

Hendrik Strobelt , Sebastian Gehrmann , Michael Behrisch , Adam Perer , Hanspeter Pfister , Alexander Rush
VAST 2018

Coping with Volume and Variety in Temporal Event Sequences: Strategies for Sharpening Analytic Focus

Fan Du , Ben Shneiderman , Catherine Plaisant , Sana Malik , Adam Perer
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2017

Clustervision: Visual Supervision of Unsupervised Clustering

Bum Chul Kwon , Ben Eysenbach , Janu Verma , Kenney Ng , Christopher deFilippi , Walter Stewart , Adam Perer
VAST 2017

Supporting Iterative Cohort Construction with Visual Temporal Queries

Josua Krause , Adam Perer , Harry Stavropoulos
VAST 2015

The Longitudinal Use of SaNDVis: Visual Social Network Analytics in the Enterprise

Adam Perer , Ido Guy , Erel Uziel , Inbal Ronen , Michal Jacovi
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2013

Data-Driven Exploration of Care Plans for Patients

Adam Perer , David Gotz
CHI 2013

Systematic Yet Flexible Discovery: Guiding Domain Experts Through Exploratory Data Analysis

Adam Perer , Ben Shneiderman
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2008

Integrating Statistics and Visualization: Case Studies of Gaining Clarity During Exploratory Data Analysis

Adam Perer , Ben Shneiderman
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2008

Balancing Systematic and Flexible Exploration of Social Networks

Adam Perer , Ben Shneiderman
IEEE InfoVis 2006

(View all publications)

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